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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 1 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bristol, RI

location-map Bristol , RI

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location-map Bristol, RI | (401) 386 4513

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I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in both RI and MA. I enjoy helping children, adolescents, and young adults with Autism, ADHD, and anxiety disorders including obsessive-compulsive disorders, phobias, and selective mutism to learn the tools necessary to help them feel comfortable and confident in themselves. Most of my clients' goals include learning to cope with fears and intrusive thoughts, developing positive communication skills, and increasing self-esteem, confidence, and compassion for themselves. I utilize exposure therapy, ERP, CBT, and DBT. I am a visual learner and can be a bit of a procrastinator so I value accountability and clear, concrete goals which is something I also strive to provide for my clients. Whether you are looking for an empathetic ear to listen or weekly homework assignments, I will work with you to make sure you are getting everything you need to out of therapy. Therapy is not 'one size fits all' so I offer a free phone call to get us started to see if we could be a good fit. It's important that you feel comfortable and heard by your therapist and that you see progress being made. If at any point I am no longer a good match for my clients, it is important to me that I can help them find a therapist who is.

location-map Bristol , RI | (401) 271 7323

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When we change the way we think, we change the way we live. Perspective is key. I believe counseling is a space to explore the thoughts that hinder success and then transform them! Reshape the way we’ve learned to communicate with ourselves and with others. I am passionate about helping people develop new beliefs about themselves that support their values. What do you value? What are you currently doing that aligns with your values? What’s getting in the way? How do you overcome all of that? We live in a fast-paced society but counseling allows us to slow down, reflect, and figure out how to achieve our goals. My goal is to be authentic and create a trusting atmosphere; to be supportive and encouraging. I aspire to create a space where others feel comfortable collaborating with me to improve the way that they manage anxiety or maintain recovery or communicate in their relationships. I value every opportunity to help others cultivate the change they desire. I commend you for having the courage to access additional support and I appreciate your consideration of me on this journey!